Friday, January 16, 2009

Possible solutions

Individual households should be encouraged to sort out their rubbish before disposing of them. Cooperation between the public sector and the private sector regarding the disposal of rubbish should be fostered by ensuring that rubbish is first sorted out then disposed of properly. The government should be encouraged to enforce new rules and regulations on proper rubbish disposal. Business organisations should be encouraged to use less plastic bags in packaging. The public should be informed about the importance of recycling, as well as reducing and reusing household wastes e.g. using food wastes as compost.

Figure 1, 2 & 3. Individual start sorting out rubbish (plastic bottles, tins and papers)before disposing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow great idea, hope every individual could be able to do this kind of disposing their waste.-waste disposal Etobicoke-
